Today my girl turns 8 years old. All I can think of right now is of the two naive parents holding their brand new baby girl 8 years ago and wondering just what in the world were they going to do.
Abigail, my darling love, how you have blessed us so much each and every day of these 8 years.
You love art and wake up every single morning ready to create. You always have a plan, it is always big and it is always something that involves everyone!
And your laugh. I love to see you laugh. You are often the one in charge. You like to lead/boss and with that comes a level of seriousness. But when you let that go and laugh, I love to see it!!
When I lead us on different adventures you are always there, the first in line. You love science, nature, exploring and creating.
You are such a good dancer and love every single day to spin, jump, leap, tumble, flip and do it all over again.
You are so gracious to your dad and I. This year daddy is gone for your birthday. So before he left we had a special dessert, outing and dinner for you with dad. You were so happy with it all and are coming into your birthday knowing you have already had most of your big surprises. I wondered if you would be now disappointed, a week later, but you haven't fussed at all.
This year you have become an absolute fish in the water. It has been so fun to see you learn to love your time in the pool. Last year you were wearing a floaty. This year you dive, swim laps, do flips, dive for toys, go off the diving board and water slide, jump and do handstands and flips in the water.
You enjoy the summer more than the winter. There are more things to create your beautiful art with in the summer (dyes from berries, leaves and flowers). But you are always up for a winter adventure. I love seeing you join your dad on the snow machine, lace up your skates and go sledding with Ethan.
And you are also a child with deep thoughts. You love to have time with just me where we talk and talk about things you dream, think of, wonder about and get excited to do.
You are small in stature but so very strong in spirit. You rarely get tired and almost never get scared. You lead, encourage and press on - as long it isn't your math work.
You are now in 2nd grade and have the most confidence I have ever seen. You love art, history, geography and yes, even math with our new program. Reading is hard but we are learning through this and growing so very, very much.
You, my dear, are the apple of my eye and the glue that holds me together most days. You help me, see what needs to be done and give me hugs when I am blue. You make us laugh, put things right and yet still are my little girl. I asked you what you would miss about being 7, you said, "being young." I think on that and ask you to please, take a breath and slow down my dear. Your great life is ahead of you and I just can't believe that God has given me a front row seat to seeing all the greatness that is ahead of you! Happy birthday my sweet, sweet Abigail.
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